We've made some posts showing different steps of our FedEx Sprinter van conversion + what it looks like now that we're living in it, but we haven't shared any photos of what it originally looked liked. As such, I thought you might like to see the original compared to now as well as what it looked like in between as we moved through the conversion process. Also, it's officially our six month anniversary of living in the van!
Right after we brought it home, complete with a bulkhead, package shelves, and FedEx stickers
Shelves finally out! And no, this is not an add for Makita.
Putting up Reflectix insulation
Foam board insulation in and gaps sealed with foam spray
Doing some "sound deadening" with ice & water shield roofing underlayment
The roofing underlayment was so sticky and difficult to cut! It ruined scissors/box cutters alike
Cutting out a spot for a window in the back
Window finally in! We got ours from the Peninsula Glass Company
Getting the solar panels attached - we did three 100W panels
We created pivoting feet from angle iron to attach the panels due to the curvature of the roof
Sealing around the solar panels
Picking out flooring
Laying our floor in the middle of winter was a pretty chilly job
Cabinets framed out and bed frame welded and in place thanks to my amazing parents
Installing our Maxx Fan over the bed + paneling the ceiling
Prepping for our oven with lots of layers of insulation
Maple butcher block counter top and under mount sink installed
Preparing to do the electrical system
Electrical wiring bundled in conduit running from our solar panels, alternator, etc
So grateful my uncle and father helped us do the electrical work!
Cutting out spots for outlets and switches
Mounting switches for lights, fan, and water pump on a metal face plate
Installing our diesel heater under the passenger seat
Finishing surfaces with 3M adhesive spray and automotive carpet
Spraying a rust protectant around the propane tank and heater vents
Painting the cabinets
Justin's dad working on our Shaker style cabinet doors
Cabinet doors done and painted
Mounting sliders on our table
Sliding table finally in place under the bed
Almost done...
And done!!
That's the conversion in a very small nutshell. Makes it seem pretty quick and straight forward, but with winter and work it ended up taking us about 8 months to complete and we are forever indebted to our amazing parents for helping us get it done! We still have some things to finish up despite having already been living in it for half a year (like getting cabinet doors placed on the storage space above the cab), but that's just how it goes - always a work in progress :)