When we built out our Sprinter van a few years ago, it was really helpful to see what other people used in their van builds as a starting point. Since finishing our van we’ve gotten a lot of questions about what we used in our van so decided to share a long overdue item list along with our thoughts on some of the products (don’t worry, we’re not sponsored). While this is far from an exhaustive list, it covers all the main components.
Read moreInternet In Your Van: WifiRanger Review And How To
Being able to access the internet on a computer is something that’s important to a lot of people living in vans and other unconventional types of homes. While most of us could do with less connectivity, it’s necessary for some people for things like work and school (and let’s be honest - Netflix for some of us), but can be a hassle having to visit a coffee shop or library every time you need or want to get online on your computer. After trying some different ways of accessing internet in our van, we eventually settled on the WifiRanger Sky Pro, and it’s been the perfect vanlife internet solution.
Read moreHow to Change Grille From Dodge to Mercedes in a Sprinter Van
A how to for switching an unbranded or Dodge grill for a Mercedes grill on your Sprinter van. Hint: all Sprinters have the cutout on the hood for the Mercedes symbol (hidden behind whatever non-Mercedes grill is on it) so it’s not as hard as it may seem.
Read moreWhat Life in a Van is Really Like
Lately, it seems like the authenticity of #vanlife has been called into question and lambasted by many as a ploy to sell a falsely beautiful and carefree lifestyle in which people pull their vans onto beaches to enjoy campfires and lay in bed naked gazing out their back doors at magnificent mountain vistas. After living in our van for a year I'm going to give you the scoop on what (our) life in a van is really like.
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